Saturday, June 28, 2008

Double your money?

[Click to enlarge]
<-- I got this message yesterday, on the 28th of June. Why did stardoll send it's users a message about this deal, when in two days it's over? Was it so that they could look like generous people when someone finds the message, but then realize the deal is already over. Lucky enough I found the message while scrolling through my almost 150 daily daily messages, but when I tried to top up my stardollars, the people working the payments didn't give me my 700 stardollars, yet they still charged my mum. so today, more than 24 hours later, I finally got them, but it was only 350 stardollars, and the DEAL ISN'T EVEN OVER YET! Gosh, I'm so sick of stardoll doing these things.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Kat Von D

Kat Von D, the new RC, is an American tattoo artist who is famous for her work as a featured tattoo artist on "Miami Ink" .

Personally I don't like tattoo's, it's just the thought of painted flesh.
Me thinks that the only reason she is a Real Celeb is because stardoll is sponsored by Sephora, and Kat just released a new line of makeup with them, and she brought it along with her. It's sort of a Gothic/Punk look and it has made me happy to know that stardoll isn't just for girly-girl's and Disney fans.

But I have noticed that this make up isn't much different from the rest of Sephora... Observe;

[Click to enlarge]
All they have done is taken the same lipstick, darkened it a little bit, gave it a label, repackaged it and raised the price by $1. It is the same with the eye-liner and eye-shadow. Don't be fooled by a label.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

June/July Hotbuys

Finally, stardoll have re-released some of it's old hotbuys! Some people think it is the worst thing stardoll could do, because it takes away the rarity factor, but others, like me, think it's fabulous, because it gives it's new members a chance to buy old hotbuys, and it means that the people who can't afford to pay $60 and a code for every hotbuy on stardoll get a chance to buy them!

  1. The pearl headband is uber cute but even though I hate pink, it would look even better with baby pink pearls.
  2. Those Emilio Pucci shoes are gorgeous! I can't wait for them to come back, out, but I have noticed people seem to be trying to sell them for $60 lately, when they would never have let them go before.
  3. Ah, the Kooba purse, I L-O-V-E it! I've already bought it.
  4. J`adore the yellow dress, I have been trying to find it for months, and it is finally coming back! *inside cheer*
  5. Ew, just, ew. The print is ugly and the shape of the dress is totally un-flattering.
  6. Uhm, another ew. I thought people used hair dye to hide Grey.
  7. I'm a collector of the star sign necklaces, and I just bought this one like 5 seconds ago!
  8. Swamp green hair? Yeah, no thanks.
  9. Uber cute, but would look good in lilac instead of pink.
  10. The best DKNY was the first and second collection. Donna Karan's latest work has been very dull and unflattering, including this shapeless dress.
xx - talkzi1213
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Cool, the first post of my new blog. This should be fun. :D

So, I'm Bec, I'm in year 8, I live in Australia, and I am hooked on stardoll, so I decided to make a blog about it, but mine isn't like the majority of stardoll blogs, I wont be posting about stardoll's so called 'elites', unless I feel I absolutely must, or I think it is important.

I wont be posting much through the weekdays, mainly because my weekdays are so hectic, I don't think I would be able to find time for the blog, but on the weekends, I'll try and add a couple of posts.