Friday, August 29, 2008


While I was reading Stardoll Magazine today, I happened to glance at something at the bottom of the article, it said "Author: Vicky.Stardoll", which was unusual because it normally says "Stardoll Admin" Which to Callie.Stardoll's suite. So, naturally I clicked it and it took me to Vicky.Stardoll.
[Click to enlarge]Apparently she is a new addition to the staff of Stardoll Magazine, says her presentation:
[Click to enlarge]Apart from having what is probably the most UGLY suite of stardoll and NO fashion sense, she uses annoying, made-up words like "Celebritalicious"

The Show; New, modern look.

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts, I've been a bit lazy...
[Click to enlarge]Take a look at the new layout for TheShow I mean Stardoll Magazine. It's so modern and chic.

P.S. congratulations to the lovely mlegjs who is gracing the cover for the 4th time :D

Saturday, August 23, 2008

talkzi is bored

To show you how bored I am....

[Click to enlarge]I am so freaking bored I made my self covergirl..... [edited as if you couldn't tell]

Viv. Tam


[Click to enlarge]
The shoes are gorgeous, but the boots, however, are nothing special....

Sunday, August 17, 2008

More technical problems...

Yet again, technical problems, this time, with the starbazaar... The same clothes kept popping up, but in different orders, but it says there was 199692 items for sale.... but something else I noticed was this:
[Click to enlarge]These handbags, on every page, in the same order, with the same prices...... Hmmm.....

Thanks to Karavliina for pointing this out....

Friday, August 15, 2008

Alex Evans....

Well, it turns out that it was Alex Evans... How hot is he, seriously....


AHHHHH! OHMIGOSH!, sorry, but I'm UBER excited! There is this dude, me and my [ex]friend are totally obbsessed with; ALEX EVANS! He is not really famous for anything other than having an emo look, blue eyes that make all girls faint, and taking ALLOT of pictures of himself and posting them on the internet. But OHMIGOSH he is HOT! And the reason I'm uber excited is.......

This..... The picture on the left is a stardoll advertisment, the picture on the right is Alex Evans... Don't they look alike? SO HOT!


Well, stardoll must have picked up on how boring it is lately, because allot of stuff is happening. First item on the agenda... 20 million members! And all we get is 20 stardollars???? PFFT.

Well, I noticed that a couple of people in that picture looked familiar...... Such as:
Issabella.Arci - top right corner
Pwincess Kiss - bottom left corner
MadMacMom - middle bottom
SingingMermaid - Centre
And who is that in the top left corner, I know her MeDoll, but can't put my finger on the name.
The rest of them are complete strangers.
Also, when you go to TheShow, it tells you to enter one of Callie's comps to enter a raffle and the prizes are one of the cotoure dresses abpve. I ticked all of the ones I liked, and I think I made it clear of the one I NEED to have becuse it is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!
P.S blogger is being very wierd lately..... >.<

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Holy crap, I'm bored.

There is NO-THING going interesting going on at stardoll, so I've done one of those things that you see on almost every blog, and every magazine. You know, one of those things that shows you how to do your makeup for a certain theme...

First theme; Girly
First step: Apply black Eyeliner.
Second step: Apply black lengthening Mascara.
Third: Apply dark blue, light green, or light pink eyeshadow.
Fourth step: Line your lips with Lilac lip-liner.
Fifth step: Apply Maniac no. 1 hot pink lipstick.
Sixth step: lightly Apply Soleil D'Ol blush And there you have it, the Girly-Girl look!

Next theme: Dark/Goth look;
First step: Apply Kat Von D jet black eyeliner.
Second step: Apply Black volume Mascara.
Third: Apply Kat Von D rad purple eyeshadow.
Fourth step: Line your lips with Black current Lip liner.
Fifth step: Apply Kat Von D Red lipstick.

Next theme: Natural;
First step: Apply brown Eyeliner.
Second step: Apply black volume Mascara.
Third: Apply eyeshadow No. 5.
Fourth step: Line your lips with Rosewood lip liner.
Fifth step: Apply cream bronze Lipstick.
Sixth step: Apply Brun D'Or blush.

Next theme: Formal;
First step: Line your eyes with black liquid eyeliner.
Second step: Apply Black lengthening Mascara.
Third: apply Black volume Mascara for that little bit of extra glamor.
Fourth step: Apply Pearl no. 3 eyeshadow
Fifth step: Line your lips with cherry colored lip liner.
Sixth step: Apply Cream classic read lipstick.

And there you go. Now you see how bored I am that I spent an hour and a half doing this.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Boring, I know.

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts. I've been super busy, it was my birthday on Thursday, so I've had people over, yada yadah... Plus there has been nothing interesting on stardoll! Apart from the new Role Model Sacajawhocares? [Why does stardoll need to bring out a new RM every time they have a new theme. I suggest a "Timeless movies" theme, so that we get Audy Hepburn as a Role Model ;D

Oh, and what was the other half interesting thing....? Oh, yeah, Stardoll keeps releasing the "Only at Kohl's" brand, and then taking it back, over and over again, but each time they're new clothes.... Like puccapo said, stardoll needs to fire whoever is doing that....

Oh, yeah, I redecorated most of my rooms... Go check em' out!