Well, stardoll must have picked up on how boring it is lately, because allot of stuff is happening. First item on the agenda... 20 million members! And all we get is 20 stardollars???? PFFT.

Well, I noticed that a couple of people in that picture looked familiar...... Such as:
Issabella.Arci - top right corner
Pwincess Kiss - bottom left corner
MadMacMom - middle bottom
SingingMermaid - Centre
And who is that in the top left corner, I know her MeDoll, but can't put my finger on the name.
The rest of them are complete strangers.

Also, when you go to TheShow, it tells you to enter one of Callie's comps to enter a raffle and the prizes are one of the cotoure dresses abpve. I ticked all of the ones I liked, and I think I made it clear of the one I NEED to have becuse it is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!
P.S blogger is being very wierd lately..... >.<
i think that is kiera v or something like that
Yes, it's Keira-V. She has a gorgeous suite!
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