Saturday, August 2, 2008

Boring, I know.

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts. I've been super busy, it was my birthday on Thursday, so I've had people over, yada yadah... Plus there has been nothing interesting on stardoll! Apart from the new Role Model Sacajawhocares? [Why does stardoll need to bring out a new RM every time they have a new theme. I suggest a "Timeless movies" theme, so that we get Audy Hepburn as a Role Model ;D

Oh, and what was the other half interesting thing....? Oh, yeah, Stardoll keeps releasing the "Only at Kohl's" brand, and then taking it back, over and over again, but each time they're new clothes.... Like puccapo said, stardoll needs to fire whoever is doing that....

Oh, yeah, I redecorated most of my rooms... Go check em' out!

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