Friday, September 26, 2008

CoverGirl of September 24th

OMG! On september the 24th I graced the cover of Stardoll Magazine.

[Click to enlarge]I was so, SO excited when I saw it! As soon as I saw how many guestbook signings and friend requests I had I raced straight to Stardoll Magazine! I was amazed! If there is one person I have to thank, it is mlegjs, and her beautiful friends of course!

Remember when I made that fake CG picture a while down, well, now I don't need it because I have a real one!
[Click to enlarge]I've got a lot of comments saying I dressed like their grandmothers! lol, and I got asked to do two different interviews, the first one is about to be posted and I'll send you the link a bit latter on!

xxxxxxx talkzi1213!

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