Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Club!

Hey my faithful readers! I just made a club for the blog, called SDAccordingToMe! Go join if you want to subscribe!

Sorry if this isn't an interesting post. But there is heaps of stuff to write about, like the new Starplaza, we can now design our own furniture, and the new hotbuys AND the new hairs, (btw, there is one that every blogger has missed) but whats the point!. You've probably read it in every other stardoll blog! So whats the point of reading it again!

ALSO! I've noticed that I'm getting up to 25 views a day, yet only once in a blue moon does anybody comment on my posts. Why don't you guys ever comment, it feels like I'm doing this for nothing because nobody is reading! But you guys are, I know because of the counter. But nobody ever comments.

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