Monday, July 14, 2008

Stardoll, stardoll, stardoll. *sighs*

So, the old hotbuys have been re-released, and for outrageous prices I might add.
[Click to enlarge] Just look at the picture, the dresses are back up for 16 and shoes for 10? tut. tut. tut. *sighs* Oh stardoll. I got that ugly gray one for 16 when it was still a rare, and sold it for 40 something stardollars ;) But, I did buy that yellow dress for 16. Oh, I'm such a sucker for a pretty dress, but, since I got it, I can't seem to make it work on my MeDoll..... :S And no matter how much I love the shoes, I just can't seem to click that 'Buy items' button.

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