I couldn't get hold of my first look, because I made no scenery's XD
So here is my second look:

OMIGOSH! I HATE it now when people use the hearts for pink hair (I got dared to do it by a then-friend whom shall not be named - she accused me of hacking her so I got deleted, but me and all my friends got my account back, thanks again guys XD)
My second look:

GAH! Where is my upper lip? As you can see, I am a fan of crazy hair-coulours, especially BLUE!
My third look:

It finally got a little better....
My fourth look:

My fifth look:

Still stuck in my trashonistahh faze, but it passed, thank god.
My fifth look(s)

It got a lil' better, if it weren't for those damn Eyelashes.
My sixth look:

Slowly progressing to pretty.
My Seventh look:

FINALLY! No more trashy lips or eyelashes. :) (rocking the LV scarf by the way)
My eighth look:

This was strictly for Halloween.
And look what we have now, a non-trashy MeDoll.

Happy New year everyone, be sure to tell me your New-Years resolution in comments, the funniest one gets a gift XD Mine is to face my fear of heats, to walk the Sydney Harbour Bridge XD